Bloomington Premises Liability Lawyer

When you are not at home, it is likely that you’re on the property of another. Whether you walk to the corner store or drive downtown to the bank or city hall, you’ll ultimately pass through numerous pieces of property belonging to a variety of individuals and establishments. When you do, you have the right to be reasonably safe from harm. If you are injured on someone else’s property, a Bloomington premises liability lawyer can help you pursue damages.

Why Choose Us?

We Don’t Back Down

Tyroler Leonard Injury Law vigorously pursues justice through compensation. We believe that those who cause our clients’ injuries should pay for the consequences. We don’t back down when our clients deserve more, and we never entertain lowball insurance company offers.

Choosing Tyroler Leonard Injury Law means choosing a firm with:

We know how much our clients need funds. So we always fight for maximum compensation and work diligently to get our clients paid in a timely manner. As many have already, you can rely on Tyroler Leonard Injury Law.

Are you dealing with injuries caused by someone else’s negligence? Tyroler Leonard Injury Law can help you hold that party accountable and recover the compensation you deserve. Call our team at 651-259-1113 for a free consultation, and learn what we can do for you.

Understanding Premises Liability

Premises liability is a technical legal term referring to liability for injuries that occur on someone’s property. The law requires property owners to take reasonable steps to keep their properties safe for the three types of visitors: invitee, licensee, and trespasser.


An invitee under Minnesota law is a guest who has been invited onto a property for business or commercial reasons, such as a pizza delivery person or a utility repair worker. They are owed a high duty of care under the law, which requires property possessors to:

  • Take reasonable steps to make the property free from hazards
  • Give notice to invitees of any dangers on the property
  • Perform regular inspections of the property for hazards.

Failure to meet these duties can open the property possessor up to significant liability.


Licensees are those who have been granted permission to enter or remain on a property for their own advantage, such as a friend or family member. They are sometimes also known as social guests, and they too have the right to be free from unreasonable harm.

The duty that property possessors have toward licensees requires them to remedy unreasonable hazards on their properties or adequately warn licensees of their existence. This duty applies to hazards that the property owner knew of or should have known of.


It comes as a surprise to many that property owners and tenants must also exercise a degree of care toward trespassers. A trespasser is any person who has entered or remained on your property without permission.

The duty owed toward trespassers is much narrower than the duty owed licensees and invitees — and justifiably so, given their illegal presence on someone else’s land. However, if a property owner or tenant willfully or maliciously causes harm to befall a trespasser, the trespasser may sue for damages. Property possessors may also be held liable for acts of gross or extreme negligence.

For example, if a property owner purposely sets a booby trap for a trespasser and harms or kills them, the property owner can be held liable for the trespasser’s damages as well as face criminal charges.

Common Types of Premises Liability Accidents

There are countless situations involving premises liability. However, some premises liability accidents are more common than others, including:

  • Slips and falls on sidewalks
  • Slips and falls on commercial property
  • Falls caused by broken stairs
  • Falls caused by cords or wires
  • Injuries caused by improperly secured objects
  • Injuries sustained due to negligent security
  • Accidents caused by blocked doorways or walkways
  • Falls caused by faulty or missing handrails
  • Animal attacks
  • Falls into holes
  • Poisoning
  • Collapsing structures.

When these types of accidents occur, victims may experience catastrophic injuries or death, in turn leading to substantial medical bills, financial problems, and overwhelming mental and emotional consequences.

Compensation for Premises Liability Accident Injuries

Payment for Your Losses

If you have been in a premises liability accident, you may be able to recover significant compensation for your injuries. First, however, you must build a case against the property owner or tenant responsible for your losses. It is at this juncture that an experienced Bloomington premises liability attorney is indispensable.

Proving Fault

In order to prove fault, your premises liability attorney in Bloomington must demonstrate that a property owner or tenant was at least negligent in causing your injuries. To do this, they must gather strong evidence that proves that there was an unacceptable lapse or failure to keep a guest or trespasser safe, such as:

  • Failure to remove snow from sidewalks and walkways
  • Failure to warn of landscaping or other similar hazards
  • Failure to repair stairs or guardrails
  • Failure to contain or remove toxic substances
  • Failure to hire adequate security
  • Failure to regularly ensure that store aisles are safe.

Without a specific act or acts of negligence and strong evidence of said acts, there can be no compensation.

Compensatory Damages

The compensation involved in premises liability accidents may come from a personal injury lawsuit or a workers’ comp claim if the injury victim was on the job at the time of the accident.

Damages available in a personal injury claim include:

  • Costs associated with the treatment of the injury
  • 100% of lost income
  • Costs associated with household services, such as cleaning and grocery shopping
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life.

If, however, the accident happened at work, the victim may be limited to a workers’ comp claim, which only pays out partial compensation. In order to sue for full damages for a work injury, the liable property owner or tenant must not be the employer.

Consequences of Premises Liability Accidents

Serious premises liability injuries can completely rearrange a victim’s life for the worse, especially when the victim suffers catastrophic injuries or a fatality. Depending on the type of accident, a victim may experience:

  • Bone injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Burns and abrasions
  • Damage to organs
  • Internal bleeding
  • Amputation or dismemberment
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Lacerations
  • Disfigurement.

Any of these injuries can forever alter a person’s life for the worse. These injuries not only affect the mind and body but also how a victim exists in the world.

Tyroler Leonard Injury Law is relentless in its pursuit of proper compensation for its clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers You’re Looking For

We detailed the answers to common questions below. Please feel free to call us to speak with a Bloomington premises liability lawyer for more answers and information.

Do I need a premises liability attorney in Bloomington to represent me?

If you want to recover the compensation that you deserve, you need a professional to compel insurance company adjusters to pay what they owe. Without a Bloomington premises liability attorney representing you, your chances of getting properly compensated are much lower.

What exactly does a Bloomington premises liability lawyer do?

A Bloomington premises liability lawyer works aggressively to recover compensation for their clients by building the strongest case possible and using the law to compel payment. Some of the tasks a premises liability lawyer in Bloomington will handle include:

  • Accident investigation
  • Paperwork and document management
  • Deadline compliance
  • Employing and consulting with accident and medical experts
  • Negotiating for maximum compensation.

At Tyroler Leonard Injury Law, each Bloomington premises liability lawyer on our team works diligently to recover the maximum compensation available for our clients.

Can I afford a Bloomington premises liability attorney?

Yes. A Bloomington premises liability attorney requires no out-of-pocket payments for their services. Instead, the compensation for your Bloomington premises liability attorney comes from the compensation they win for you. If they recover zero, you owe nothing.

How long do I have to seek compensation for a premises liability accident?

In Minnesota,  you have six years to file a lawsuit for a premise liability accident. For victims in Wisconsin, the time limit is three years.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Tyroler Leonard Injury Law with your premises liability case. An experienced Bloomington premises liability lawyer is ready to discuss your questions and concerns.

Tyroler Leonard Injury Law: Fighting for the Justice You Deserve

Fighting to Win

Property owners and tenants have a duty of safety toward those who enter their properties, and they can be held to pay when their negligence causes harm. If you or someone you care about has fallen victim to property owner negligence, you don’t have to absorb the losses. Instead, you can reach out to an experienced premises liability lawyer in Bloomington to get justice through the compensation you deserve.

Tyroler Leonard Injury Law offers free consultations for potential clients. Give us a call at 651-259-1113 to learn the merits of your case and find out how much compensation you may be entitled to. Contact our office today!

Attorney Isaac Tyroler

Attorney Isaac Tyroler has been a strong advocate for injured people his entire legal career. He has a passion for righting wrongs, and he deeply cares about representing injured clients who may feel overwhelmed or uncertain about how to navigate the legal system. He is compassionate toward clients and aggressive with insurance companies and defendants. He is on the elected Board of Governors of the Minnesota Association of Justice (MAJ), the top personal injury lawyers’ group in Minnesota. And is currently the chair of MAJ’s legislative committee. [ Attorney Bio ]